massage for dogs - Estepona

Canine Musculoskeletal Health.

Canine Massage.

When walking on a slippy surface dogs stabilise themselves by putting more weight on their front; their neck, shoulder and chest muscles. Over time these muscles become tired and tense leading to an increased risk of injury especially repetitive strain injury.

When puppies slip and slide on floors the teres ligament can tear. This ligament should hold the head of the femur securely in the socket (acetabulum) of the growing puppy while the muscles that will support the hip develop and grow stronger. If this ligament is damaged the femur will not be held tightly in the acetabulum, and both can become damaged. Damage to either the head of the femur or the acetabulum can increase the likelihood of a dog developing Hip Dysplasia later in life.

For dogs already suffering with an injury or orthopaedic condition like Hip Dysplasia slippy flooring puts already painful joints at risk of further damage. Compromised joints are already weakened and less effective at supporting the joint, this increases the risk of falling and causing more damage. Sore and inflamed joints become even more painful.

By simply putting rugs down the risk of injury is reduced and dogs with orthopaedic conditions or current injuries are supported.